Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My problem has always been lack of focus. I have so many interests, so many ideas... I've always relied on the people closest to me to make decisions for me since I couldn't do it for myself. And when they refused, I pretty much did the equivalent of flipping a coin to make my choice. In doing that though, I've done myself such a disservice. I look back on things I wanted to do but didn't, opportunities that I wanted to take but passed over... all because I couldn't make a definitive choice about what I wanted to do.

It's no one's fault but my own.  When you let others make decisions for you and you make decisions for the wrong reasons, you're forced to play the hand you're dealt. I don't have a bad life by any means. But, I'm not satisfied.  I have so many dreams that haven't been nurtured. So much potential that hasn't been realized...

That all ends now though. I saw a quote the other day that said a "choice not made is still a choice."  I don't really have anything deep to say about that. You get to a point where there are no more words, only actions. I'm at the point.

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