Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Kid and the Case of the Quarter-Life Crisis

Meet The Kid>>>>
How employers trust ^this^ person with professional responsibilities is
definitely a question that should keep you up at night.

*For the sole purpose of my own satisfaction, I will be referring to myself as "The Kid" from now on...until I get bored with that and come up with a new name for myself.*

Sooooooo The Kid is turning 26 this weekend and she is definitely feeling some type of way about it. As you can see above, I'm just doing my usual nothing at work, looking cute for no damn reason, and watching my good years pass me by. *deep sigh* And now, for the next few days, I've got to feign excitement over this birthday to keep the people around me from trying to have me committed for depression.

I'm not depressed y'all. I'm just a single black chick living in the middle of nowhere  East Texas with a boring ass job that simply pays the bills. *Is it just me, or does having a job actually create bills??? I mean seriously, I don't ever remember having bills when I didn't have a job! Mom's couch has always been free to me. shrug*

Anyway, I've always been less than enthused about my birthdays. No matter what lengths my awesome family and friends go to to make me feel special, I always walk away underwhelmed. It's not that I don't appreciate them. It's not that I don't appreciate life. It's just that for me, another birthday represents another year completed without getting to where I really want to be. And where is that, you ask? My answer will always depend on where I'm at and what time you ask me, but it will always contain the words "NOT HERE."

I'm always criticizing a friend of mine for seemingly never being satisfied with his life, but honestly, we're kind of in the same boat. The only difference is that he can achieve his goals and get what he wants with some hard work and elbow grease. Me? I can't get mine by myself and to top it off, biology has me on a limited timetable to get it all done. *deeper sigh*

Such is the plight of my quarter-life crisis. I feel like I'm always waiting for Godot something and it's just so damn frustrating! I take that back- partially. I do know what I'm waiting for but I dare not say it for fear of being cliche and repetitive...but still...  Despite what I consider my own failings, I feel smarter, stronger, and more attractive than I've ever felt in my life! But I have no one to share it with, impress, or entice. Giant Ass Pine Tree just soaks up all my wonderfulness while my lackluster conditions drain the spark of life out of me. Even Pandora feels my pain and has begun playing a sad sack, Adele-filled soundtrack to my life.

On the bright side though, I am a year older which means I have another year on my belt of taking care of myself, managing my life, and not killing anyone- all with next to no incidents of having to ask the parents for help. And that always makes me feel good. An old pair of jeans fit again, although that's not really a good thing because it's a sign that my butt has deflated-I'm gonna get it back though. Cause I like big butts and I can not lie...All in all, 25 was not a total FAIL. I spent an entire year of my life in East Texas without jumping out of my fourth floor window or acquiring a baby daddy. #nopetitioningthecourtsforchildsupportforthewin

Anyway, it's Thursday y'all. Only 16 more hours of pushing papers around your desk to make yourself look busy to go!

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