Monday, October 22, 2012

Homecoming, HomeGOING...

Death to Smoochie.
In case you're lame and didn't know, this past weekend was Homecoming at the best freakin' school in the best freakin' conference in the NATION!. Only half of the last part of that statement is technically true. The last half. For the sake of my safety, If you don't know, you better ask somebody who I'm talking about!

Anyway, a totally unnecessary "business trip" to the coast led me into this fabulous weekend. It doesn't get much better than drinks on the beach- literally, followed by drinks at the a casino... Aside from the excessive carding, I'd call that trip a win. I got to see an old friend, a new friend (I haven't seen in a year), and a friend I can't quite classify. Immediately after getting back midday Friday, I prepared for a night of fun with friends who were not yet quite my friends. THIS was a big deal, you guys. I don't like new people. I prefer my old, worn, comfy jeans to the brand new stiffies. But, I did it. I went out with new people- new GIRLS to be exact. And, it wasn't horrible. Dare I say, I liked it??? Anyway, enter Saturday and I'm running on E. I'm extremely tired and sleep escapes me but I have tons to do and people to see. Now to be honest, as I sit here typing this morning, the remainder of the weekend is a blur. All I really remember is that it was pretty awesome.

Oh, I did I mention I got my friend back? You know the one that I dedicated several Adele themed lamentations to? Yep, him. In a reunion that was as lackluster as our parting was dramatic, we decided that it was just kinda dumb to not be friends. And then we got dinner and saw a crappy movie. #WINNING. Our relationship is different now, but it is as it should be. Getting all the clutter out on the table seemed to shift us to place that is much more clear and defined. There's no more...murkiness. We are And I like it.

But ok, let's get to the point. Aside from the fun I had, I'm more concerned with the "fun" I didn't have and how I feel about it all.  Typically, for me anyway, the nostalgia that comes with seeing old, friendly faces leads to drunken escapades, irretrievable texts, "OMG did I just do that in front of my boss?!" moments unforgivable conversations, morning after pills and just overall *ratchetness.  Today, I can say with pride that I did none of these this time around. I had drinks, but I held it together. I had conversations, all with a clear head. I sent texts that were carefully thought out. I didn't do anything embarrassing in front of anyone with access to my paycheck. And somehow, I managed to keep myself out of Plan B's way. Okay, I didn't completely escape my vices. I did car-dance uncontrollably to "Bands a Make Her Dance" every. single. time. it. came. on. Ratchetness- 1, Ashley- 0.

So yeah, there were some things I didn't do, words I didn't say, and people I didn't see. And this morning, looking back over it all, I know I made the right decisions.  There is not that lingering remorse or regret.  I'm not wondering why he didn't call, or hoping that she heard what I meant instead of what I said.

So. RIP to the weekend of bad decisions. Whether caused by intoxication of liquor, or intoxication of emotion, I managed to bypass my usual morning after depression.  Am I getting older? Have I finally gone through enough horror to give pause? Is it a combination of both?  Whatever it is, I'm glad it's happening. I'm glad that for a change I didn't just give over into the moment but I stopped to devote a couple seconds to the consequences. Life is not perfect. It's only Monday. But so far, I'm already experiencing a bit less drama and a bit less heartache. :-)


*ratchetness- an extreme mix of ignorance and ghetto. 

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