Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm not complaining, but...

Today has really been one of those days... so much so that I had to go home and pop half a Xanax just to keep my head from exploding. It all started with the March of the Drones. That is the name I've given to that miserable walk between the parking garage and my office. I already knew it was going to be some kind of a day. I was about 21 minutes late and due to the food baby I'm carrying, my pants didn't exactly fit and my butt looked extra big. Normally I'd love that, but today I just felt like I was lugging around one of those ghetto booties- just big for no reason. *deep sigh* **I digress**

Anyway, I made the fortunate mistake of watching some TED video about how schools kills creativity. It displayed in the most brilliant animated way how formal education strips us of every ounce of creative juice in our being that makes us unique. By the time we are old enough to realize and embark on our dreams, most of us have already been reduced to mere scantron sheets in human clothing. And when that happens, if you're lucky, you end up in an office with a beautiful view pushing papers with important to someone other than yourself information that you are responsible for processing/collating/transferring to file 13 so that the machine continues to operate smoothly and the rich SOBs controlling them get to buy their little brats that totally necessary jet ski for their 13 birthday...

I've lost where I was going with this rant but you get the picture.

Happy Thursday.

Ohsh*teffingmonkeyballs! It's only Wednesday.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Noooo, I don't really wanna get high...

Hey, let's get away...

...on weed, anyway. I wouldn't mind  getting high on life though. It's that time of year again when I get super antsy. And my view of  GAP doesn't help. It's beautiful outside and I'm stuck in here pretending to work while the man pretends along with me...all for what?! I'd be so much more productive and cost effective if they let me come to work from noon to, I dunno, say 3 p.m.?  For the most part, 3 hours is all I need to accomplish my to-do-list anyway.

I don't even know why I waste my poor fingers' energy on these kinds of posts. I think I'll just do what  I do best and go back to daydreaming of being somewhere else while going through the motions of being here.

Oh well, Happy Almost-Friday!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sporadic thought of the day...

Man, I wish I could get high right now. No, I've never been high, but I swear everyone that has makes it sound so good.

Clearly, it can't be that bad...

Conversation overhead between my BF and his boss:
Boss: Man, you burn? I used to stay burning back in the day...
BF: *almost chokes on coke* Um, nah brother. That's against company policy...
Boss: *side eye and blank stare*
BF: I mean, yeah though...back in the day.
*BF sweating bullets*
Boss: LOL!!! That's what I'm talking about brother! What I wouldn't give to be back in the day. *stares into space*
Me: ...WOW, seriously?? *thinking to myself- dammit, where was I when everyone was getting high?!"

Happy Wednesday. If you work a 9 8 to 5 like me, than I certainly hope you're not getting high right now. However, if you're one of the lucky ones spending your 40 hours doing something that doesn't suck the life out of you, I hope you realize that that in itself is all the high you need.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I drank the Kool-Aid...

So I finally discovered Yoga. It. Is. Everything. those creepy hipster, vegans tell you it is. My first visit was a couple weeks ago. I was terribly stressed, at my wits end, and because of poor diet and lack of motion, I was looking more and more like I was carrying an unborn child. Suddenly I thought of my old granola munching roomie, how peaceful she always seemed to be with life, and immediately pulled up the schedule of the yoga studio she use to attend. It was just my luck that they offer a free class on Friday- I was in there!

After a brief adventure in squeezing into spandex and a few awkward introductions, I found myself resting on a borrowed mat in a warm, open space downtown. A few moments later, Tomb Raider sauntered in from a hidden place in the front of the studio and set up shop in the back. Right. Beside. Me. I hated her. I hated her genuinely sweet smile, painted on yoga clothes, and the way her thighs didn't touch. I'm convinced she's an alien. I knew instantly who she was, though. She's like the yoga instructor of all yoga instructors. Fortunately for me, she wasn't leading this particular class. Instead we had some new chick who butchered the instructions. That was fine by me though because I'm pretty sure I matched her in butchering the moves. Nonetheless, an hour later after much grunting, wheezing, and praying, I found myself lying on a communal mat, hot, sweaty, maybe a bit stinky and feeling more at peace than I can ever remember feeling before.

*deep sigh*

It was a truly amazing experience. I left with a new found lightness and a desire to eat hummus and smoke weed. One Popeye's 3-wing combo later and I was over the munchies BUT I still held onto the desire for that constant peace. I may not know why the caged birds sing, but I do know why liberal white people do yoga.

Anyway, there will be lots more to come on my adventures in yoga. I'm also back on the track- the boy is even going with me. I'm determined to get my mind, body, and spirit in order and I'm finally at a place where I'm truly willing to take actions in making it happen.

Happy Monday!!!