Thursday, January 26, 2012


She could have at least had the decency to send me to WebMD...

I know, I've been noticeably absent...and I don't plan on reappearing anytime soon but I just really needed to reemerge to tell this story.

Around this time last year I got some horrible news from my doctor. Not only did she deliver me a blow, she also didn't give me much of an explanation but told me I could "Google it if I wanted to know more." Only recently did I crawl out of my depression just long enough to schedule an annual appointment with a new doctor. Instantly he made me feel at ease and so resolutely, with kleenex in hand, I informed him of the report from my previous doctor. He handed me more tissues and asked me if he could request and review my medical records before we discussed it. That was two weeks ago. Fast forward to 10 a.m. today. Long story short, my new doctor told me that I had been misinformed AND misdiagnosed.

*insert black stare and jaw drop*

For over a year I've been functionally depressed over this and the effects it's had on those I care about. The doctor ended his report with a "You're good, get out of here. I'll see you in a year!"

*deep sigh*. God is good. And if you don't believe it for yourself, take my word for it.

And while I'm here, let me please emphasize the importance of an excellent doctor. If giving his name wouldn't totally expose my whereabouts, I'd tell you. But that doesn't matter really because Jesus is the best doctor of all and He is truly the reason for my good news today.


  1. That is amazing and awesome news. I am sorry you had to suffer for a year because of a terrible doctor.

    1. Thank you Chrissy!!! And yes, it is very awesome and amazing! Miss you!!!


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