Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Dilemma

A gift...and a curse.

So, my AC went out the other day. I had to sleep downstairs since it's usually the coolest- which thoroughly freaked me out because I've always believed that the freaks goblins, ghouls, and lizards come out at night and roam around downstairs while I'm hiding sleeping peacefully upstairs in my room. Anyway, the AC guy promised to fix it ASAP. And he did. Imagine my surprise when I got home yesterday to find a new fancy smancy digital thermostat mounted on my wall. I was all like whaaaattttt, ballin! I even took a picture and sent it to my friends. You see, my parents don't even have a digital thermostat. Neither does my job. I've only seen them in hotels and I've always thought they were pretty awesome. Besides, anyone who knows me knows that the temperature is always a tense subject with me.

Anyway, here is where the dilemma comes in. I have to renew my lease next month. I can pretty much make it for however many months I want but until yesterday, I was sure I was going to have it end in December. My mother pretty much told me that when I came home for Christmas, I better have a U-Haul behind me. And you know what I said? "Sure, why not?" *shrug* I had BEEN grown tired of trying to figure things out on my own and was glad someone loved me enough to tell me what to do- all I needed was some direction. I'm not happy here but I have no particular place to go. I kept hoping this guy would say, "you know what? just come live with me. We'll figure it out." He didn't. I also secretly hoped that Puff Daddy would put out another season of Who Wants to Work for Diddy? Hasn't happened yet. So yeah, Nowhereville, MS was as good a place as any to be miserable and lack direction.

Well, then my super goes and throws a monkey in the wrench (copywrited- do not try to claim this saying as your own) and hooks me up with this baller status AC. Now I'm feeling like- ohhhhh shiitttttt, I'm not about to let some loser come in and instantly have something it took me a year and a half to get! So yeah, there's my problem. What? You know you'd feel the same way. It's kinda like upgrading a boo thang. You get with this guy that nobody was really checking for. You hook him up with some sexy nice loafers and introduce him to a licensed barber. He gets saved at your church and you expand his palette to the point that he no longer considers Olive Garden as fine Italian dining. And then he breaks up with you. Next thing you know, some chick with no patience and a shovel is spending all his money and planning a June wedding at the country club. *deep sigh*

Six months. I'm thinking that's enough time for me to enjoy my new AC and then walk away without feeling bitter and cheated. It also would make exactly 2 years of me living in this hell hole place. I don't have nearly enough house guests to warrant the rent that I pay for all the extra space, so the least the universe could give me is this one little perk. Ya know, make me feel like I'm actually getting what I paid for. Kind of... Yeah, you might think this is a ridiculous way to figure out my lease options. But hey, at least it's a reason. One more than I had to come out here in the first place.

So, at least I'll be comfortable and without the need for a blanket when it's 102 degrees outside while I contemplate the next stage of my life. And that's more than I could say for myself 3 days ago. #WINNING.

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