Friday, August 5, 2011

...these are a few of my FAY-VOR-IT things...

                                If you don't think this is funny, you're reading the wrong blog.

1.I love laughter. I love anyone or anything that can make me laugh- I mean head back, chest heaving, teary-eyed laugh out loud! Crude, crass, silly, clever, witty, juvenile, slapstick! I welcome it all.

Instagram :)

2. A new leather handbag. *deep sigh* There are few things that bring me more pleasure than browsing the handbag section of my favorite department stores. The many hues, textures, and styles- indigo, pebble grain satchel; leopard print, calf hair cross-body; kelly green, patent, croc embossed clutch! Not to mention the smell of them as I wrap them up in my arms, squeezing every fold, admiring every stitch! Just the thought of it is enough to send me into a euphoric state. I have a slight addiction that I pretend to be am working on... Don't judge me. What is life without debt little indulgences?

3. My mama's couch
I never feel like I'm fully home until I've dropped my bags and plopped down on my parent's couch. It's just something about the familiar smell and how the cushions never seem to forget my curve... When I think of home, I think of that couch. And honestly, I think the couch is symbolic. It's not like they've had the same one throughout my life. It's just that, the couch is where the magic memories happen. It's where I squish up beside my dad to watch a movie that he's surely going to fall asleep on. It's where I curl up under my mama and breathe her in until she gets hot and tells me to move. It's where my sister and I have she's-touching-me/she's-looking-at-me battles. It's where boyfriends get interrogated and best friends get caught up on the latest gossip. It's quite possibly my favorite place in the world.

I know, I know...this could be considered just a tad bit racist by the socially sensitive aware. *deep sigh* Sue me. I'm Black and it's Friday. And you know he kind of reminds you of 50 Cent.

4. Gangstas who make Bubblegum Rap
*Obama voice* Let me be clear (lol!! Funny right? No...Bite me). I love music and gangsta rap is at the very bottom of a long list of the many diverse genres that I love BUT, something inside of me just can't resist breaking down to Gucci Mane's Lemonade, pretending that I smoke weed while Crucial Conflict's Hay is on, or acting like I not only know but ACTUALLY AM Big Meech when Rick Ross comes on the radio. Don't even get me started on the dance routine I created for Soulja Boy's Pretty Boy Swag!

perhaps this should have been today's no. 1...

5. The Lemon Drop Martini
I think that if Jesus were around today and he was totally cool with non-wedding related recreational drinking he would drink Lemon Drop Martinis.

Happy Friday! If you can, you should totally spend this weekend enjoying some of your favorite things!


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