Wednesday, October 24, 2012

...That's That ISH I Don't Like!

This morning, I got a concerned call from one of my girlfriends. This guy she has been dating stopped by to see her on his off day. Sweet, right? NO! Why? Because dude dropped by her house this morning without even calling first to get permission. And she had to go to work! This ain't undergrad! We not just sleeping late in a dorm on a random Wednesday! Fool! *deep sigh* *woosah*

No sir and no ma'am. You no do that!!! That is all kinds of wrong and breaking down the passive aggressive psychology of that deserves a post all its own.  But instead of going there, I'm just going to use this time to discuss that and some of the other SHIT I DON'T LIKE!

1. Coming over unannounced- As I stated above, NO SIR and NO MA'AM! OutKast said it best, "I call before I come, I won't just pop over out the blue...I hope you do too." It's a respect issue, people. Just plain and simple. When someone does that to you, please understand that that person is not sweet. That person has boundary issues that will come back and kick you in your ass. That person is telling you in the nicest, mildest way they know how that what's good and comfortable for them will always trump what's good and comfortable for you.

2. Asking for a key to an apartment/house for which you don't pay rent- Unless you are my bestfriend and I need you to watch my place while I'm gone (in which case, I'll be retrieving my key when I get back), or you are my mama (and daddy I guess) or my child, you  BET NOT ASK ME FOR NO DAMN KEY AND YOU SURE AS HELL BET NOT GO AND MAKE ONE ON YOUR OWN! True story. That is some shit I just really don't like and trust, that will be the end of me and whoever dares to try it.

3. People talking thisclosetomyface- Please back up and give me 50 feet. Or least 50 centimeters.

4. *Being the only speck of cayenne pepper in a sea of salt- At some point, Jesus is going to have to explain to me why He continues to bestow upon me the task of being the token black everywhere I go.

5. When people other than my boss walk behind my desk uninvited.  That's that shit I don't like.  Whether I'm writing secret code for highly confidential report, paying a bill, blogging about hating work, or checking out the latest fashion trends on, you don't need to see what the hell is on my screen unless I ask you too. You also don't need to know whether or not my pants shoes are on or where I hide my secret stash of **negro-snacks. I'm grown. Get back.

That's all for now. Your task for today? Openly express that shit you don't like!


*I didn't realize how racist MS was until living somewhere else and coming back. 

**negro-snacks- the Salt and Vinegar Lays and Little Debbie cakes you hide inside a drawer or under your desk, instead of setting out with the wack ass peppermints and jellybeans, because you really don't want to share them with your greedy ass co-workers because not only will they eat them all up but they WON'T replenish them because your non-negro co-workers won't know where to find them in the grocery store...not that they would even try to look in the first place.

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