Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I can't control my emotions...and I love it.

I know, I've been gone for some time now... And after this, I'm not sure when or if I'll be back, but I just needed to express something.

My dad's twin brother died 5 years ago. Suddenly. It was the hardest loss my dad's side of the family had endured in over 15 years.  There had been deaths- but none had affected us in such a way since we lost my grandfather.  Well, today while Facebook crawling, I clicked on a video link of my cousin (my uncle's son) playing an original piece of music on his guitar.  Just two minutes of the sight and sound of him brought back memories and emotions I forgot I had. It was beautiful. And bittersweet. Soothing and stabbing to my ears all at the same time.

Teary-eyed and filled with sweet grief, I thought about how amazing God must be. Life is amazing and the moments life can create are simply breathtaking.

Today I was simultaneously overcome with love, sadness, joy, regret, peace, hope...the entire rainbow of emotions- I felt them all. And it was truly breathtaking.

That small glimpse of my uncle through my cousin's hands is a priceless gift I will treasure and revisit forever.