How many of us have them...friends. |
You know, I think people really take for granted how awesome it is to find
animals people that
get you. I spend so much of my life feeling misunderstood and misrepresented, that when I find someone that actually interprets what I say in the way that I meant it, I latch onto them like crazy glue. And let me tell, it's not easy to understand me. Well, I think that anyway. Last night an old friend and I were chatting about the new guy. He asked me if I thought it would last. I gave him an honest answers- "Only God knows." I mean, at the moment, this guy seems to get me. I've shown myself completely and he still likes me. All of me. But still, I don't know where it's going. Although, we do have a lot of fun coming up with all the possible scenarios together.
That last detail shocked my friend. He's spent the last few years listening to my sad stories about what might not be that he seemed to be pleasantly surprised to see that I was returning to the hopeless romantic that I once was.
Kind of... You see, this old friend is one of the few people that actually gets me. In a different world, we likely would have been perfect together. But, in college he cheated on me, got a girl- who apparently couldn't stand me- pregnant, married said girl, divorced her, and then shows up 3 years later, new baby in tow, declaring that I was always The ONE and asking for a second chance. *deep sigh*. I have a bleeding heart so I forgave him, went out on date with him, and even played Barbie with the kid.
Needless to say, it didn't work out. I'd been in a long-term relationship since him and honestly, by the time he came back around I'd gotten over him. It's a weird dynamic that we have now. I do love him. I don't have to explain myself or qualify my statements when I talk to him. We NEVER fight. I can't remember a time that we ever did, actually. Even that time he cheated... BUT, I also never miss him. Or wonder what he's doing. Or have a desire to call him. But, as long as he calls me I'll always answer. And I'll always listen to whatever story he has to tell- he ALWAYS has a story.
But my point is not about him in particular, I'm just using him as an example because I talked to him last night. My point is that I have a nice little collection of people like that in my life. For whatever reason, we just clicked. I was me and they were they and together we were good. I'd say off the wall shit, and they'd totally understand. They would do things that were completely beyond my realm of understanding and we'd laugh about it. Some of these people I talk to everyday. A few are like the friend above. And one of them, I'll likely marry. No matter the dynamic, each of them have a place in my heart that could never be filled by anyone else but them. And that's special y'all.
I don't know. I consider myself a person that is hard to get to know but easy to love. And if you don't love me, it's because you
really don't know me. Cause, if you knew me, you'd know that knowing me means that
I really love you!!! And who doesn't love someone that really loves them?! Crazy people? You don't want to be a crazy person, do you? So, I guess this is my ode to those handful of people that really get me. Thank you, to those of you who understand that my adventures in racism are actually my fervent attempt at growth and enlightenment. Thank you to those who understand my failed attempts at transitioning to natural hair was symbolic of my attempt at gaining confidence and embracing all the aspects of me that society would have me to believe were not that great, but in actuality were AWESOME. And thank you to those same people who didn't judge me when I fell off the wagon and went back to the creamy crack. Thank you to those who know when and WHAT to ignore, and when and what to address. Thank you for never forgetting that even though I try to maintain a hard shell, it's candy thin and I'm still just a big ball of pudding inside. And a super special thank you to the ones who still think I'm cute after seeing the ugliest part of me.
I could go on. But those of you who get me don't need me to. And those of you who don't...well this wasn't for you anyway.
Happy Thursday to you. Happy Friday to me. Because, you know, today is my Friday. Because I'm off tomorrow. So, I probably won't talk to you again until next week.
So. Bye.
Or rather, TTYL.
peace out.